God First!  Update on Stewardship Revival Week 2024

5 Dec 2024, 15:55Catherine Anthony Boldeau

God First! Update on Stewardship Revival Week 2024

The General Conference of the Seventh-day Adventists has assigned 30 November to 7 December as Stewardship Revival Week. Last week, we informed you about the available nightly programmes. However, some of these programmes were not uploaded as required due to technical difficulties. However, please be aware that they are now uploaded onto the BUC YouTube Channel.

This year’s theme is God First: My Lifestyle. Topics include time management, physical and mental well-being, and family. 

We encourage you to visit the BUC YouTube Channel, where you can find these programmes. We believe that these resources will be beneficial for your personal development. Additionally, there are five bonus programmes that will be uploaded in January 2025.