Christian Debate
World in Focus & Simply the Truth ~ discussions of Adventist belief on live TV.
Over the years as Communication and Media director for the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the UK and Ireland, Victor Hulbert, accepted a number of invitations to appear on TV and Radio to talk about, and defend, what Adventist believe.
World in Focus: April 2009
The first of these was in April 2009 on the Genesis TV programme, 'World in Focus'. The live, unscripted discussion of Adventist beliefs included phone calls and emails from viewers. Topics ranged from the assurance of salvation we have in Jesus Christ, to the Trinity, our relation to the law as a response to God's grace, the investigative judgement, health and hell. Hosted by the late Doug Harris of Reachout Trust and Gerard Chrispin of Daylight Christian Prison Trust there was some lively discussion, consensus on some points and disagreement on others.
Following the interest generated by the programme Victor was invited back for a second discussion on the two-hour programme, 'Simply the Truth', aired on Thursday, 3 December. While the guests had agreed a rough agenda of 6 items, the animated discussion focused primarily on 'the Sabbath' and 'the security of our salvation'.
Simply the Truth
In October 2012, Victor Hulbert returned to Revelation TV at the invitation of Doug Harris, for a four part 'Simply the Truth' series entitled, 'Seventh-day Adventists: Hard Questions'. This was again unscripted debate covering a wide range of topics. However, despite disagreements on certain Adventist interpretations, it was very clear to viewers that Seventh-day Adventists are people who love their Bible and their God. The centrality of scripture came over very clearly in all four programmes.
Seventh-day Adventists: Hard Questions 1.
Tuesday, 2 October 2012 (Principally on Law and Grace)
Seventh-day Adventists: Hard Questions 2.
Tuesday, 9 October 2012
Seventh-day Adventists: Hard Questions 3.
Tuesday, 11 December 2012
Seventh-day Adventists: Hard Questions 4.
Tuesday, 18 December 2012